Terms & Conditions

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Definition of our terminology as used within this document:

  1. A ‘Project’ is website design, content, or logo work undertaken or service provided by Taxol Tech for the client on their request and as described in our confirmation order email to that Client.
  2. A ‘Service’ is seo, ppc, smm, bemanaged support, bemanaged maintenance, graphic design & print, or any other ongoing recurring work we undertake.
  3. A ‘Confirmation order email’ is an email we will send you detailing any project, service or work we undertake. This will include details of the work as well as payment terms.
  4. ‘You’ or ‘Client,’ is a person, persons, business or organisation using any of the services provided by Taxol Tech.
  5. ‘We’ or ‘us’, means Taxol Tech.
  6. ‘Live Mode’ means the date the website is available on the client’s chosen domain.
  7. ‘Domain’ is the website address as specified by the client. Example “www.yourcompanyname.co.uk”
  8. ‘Open Source Software’ is software made freely available to anyone under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
  9. ‘CMS’ stands for Content Management System which is the online software used for you to update elements of the website yourself.
  10. ‘Bemanaged Support’ is a yearly cost to keep a client’s website hosting and support active.
  11. ‘mb’ stands for megabytes and is a measure of storage space.
  12. ‘Content’ is both text and images that the client requires on the website.
  13. ‘Text Content’ is the text wording on the clients website.
  14. ‘ContentWriter’ is a copy writing service Taxol Tech offer for a fee.
  15. ‘Copy Writer’ is the person working for Taxol Tech who will create your content.
  16. A ‘Page’ of content shall be up to 500 words.
  17. ‘Site’ or ‘Website’ is the website as seen on the internet and owned by the client. ‘Search Engine’ will include Google, Yahoo, and Bing search.
  18. ‘Rank’ is the position of the client’s website on the search engines.
  19. ‘SEO’ (search engine optimisation) is the process of working to attempt to increase the rank of a client’s website on the search engines.
  20. ‘Off Page SEO’ is the attempted optimisation of the client’s website using methods which do not require the editing of a client’s website.
  21. A ‘back link’ is a urllink purchased and owned by Taxol Tech from a third party website.
  22. ‘PPC’ (pay per click) is a method of advertising on the search engines whereby the client pays for each click of their advert from the user.
  23. Advertising Spend’ is the financial amount that you will commit to the chosen search engines for your campaign. This doesn’t include the management fee.
  24. ‘Management Fee’ is the charge for Taxol Tech to manage your PPC budget.
  25. ‘Conversions’ is when the client receives an enquiry that has occurred due to the PPC Campaign.
  26. ‘Social Media’ refers to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
  27. ‘Likes / Followers’ are 2 of the main things we will report on and measure as part of the Social Media service.
  28. ‘Facebook’ / ‘Twitter’ / ‘LinkedIn’ / ‘Instagram’ are the 4 Social Media sites that we can use to promote your business.
  29. ‘Post’ shall be either a tweet via Twitter.com or a post via Facebook.com, Linkedin.com or Instagram.


  1. The contract between Taxol Tech and the client will be on these conditions, to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions. Any variations to these conditions shall have no effect unless agreed in writing.
  2. The works to be carried out shall be as set out in the Taxol Tech proposal.
  3. Taxol Tech will not tolerate any form of harassment against it’s employees from customers or third parties and we reserve the right to cancel a contract without refund in the event of unreasonable or inappropriate conduct. This includes threatening behavior and abuse directed towards our employees thereafter any further communication must be via postal mail only.

Legalities, Copyright and Intellectual Property

  1. Taxol Tech shall expect the client to carry out sufficient research before proceeding with a website. This will include checking that the website/idea/business will operate legally. It is important that the website is not in any way illegal. Please ensure that any images or content you supply or use on your website, is legally available for you to use. We cannot be held responsible for the illegal use of images, content or format of material supplied by the client. Taxol Tech reserve the right to remove any website from its servers if it has reason to believe that it is operating illegally.
  2. Where images used on the website have been created/purchased by Taxol Tech on behalf of the client, these images are restricted by license for use on the website only. Taxol Tech are not liable for misuse of these images by the client or any other person’s copying, altering or distributing the images to individuals or other organisations.
  3. Taxol Tech makes no claims that the project may be lawfully viewed or downloaded outside England and Wales. Access to this text content may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If this text content is accessed from outside of the United Kingdom, it is done at own risk and the visitor is responsible for compliance with the relevant laws of the visitor’s jurisdiction. The terms and conditions of this text content are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Jurisdiction for any claims arising in respect of this text content shall lie exclusively with the courts of England. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid by any Court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.
  4. Taxol Tech cannot be held responsible for anything adversely affecting the Client’s business operation, sales, or profitability that might be claimed is a result of a service offered by Taxol Tech.


  1. Email, Zoom and phone is our primary method of contact with regard to all communication for your project. If you have any problems with the project you can contact us via the telephone support service during office hours on +44 7775 198048.
  2. It is the client’s responsibility to inform us by email of any change in email address or phone number so we always have valid contact details. We cannot be held liable in any way for problems relating to communication issues if we are not supplied with a valid email address or phone number. Some of our systems rely on this email to inform you of various important information. We also advise that client’s check junk and spam folders regularly.
  3. It is important for the client to keep in contact with Taxol Tech throughout the project. If a client does not make contact for more than 2 weeks after a draft has been received, we will make up to 5 attempts to contact the client by email or phone number using the email address or phone number for the client held on file. If we do not receive a response to these attempts of contact the project will be considered complete. If the client wishes to postpone the project for a period of longer than 2 weeks, please contact us.

Project Acceptance

  1. At the time of proposal, Taxol Tech will provide the client with a written estimate or quotation. The terms and conditions can be read on the Taxol Tech website.
  2. The client may send an official order in reply to the estimate or quotation, or an email acknowledging acceptance of the quotation, which binds the client to accept Taxol Tech‘s terms and conditions.
  3. No work on a project will commence until acceptance of the quotation has been received by Taxol Tech.
  4. The placement of an order for a project and/or any other services offered by Taxol Tech, by email, verbally or in writing, is deemed to be acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Paying for your project

  1. Payment terms for your project or service shall be set out in your confirmation order email.
  2. Taxol Tech owns all of any project including images and text until final payment has been received in full. On receipt of final payment full ownership of the project are handed to the client.
  3. For larger projects, such as website development, we will require a staged payment. This would normally be two equal payments of 50% deposit and the remaining 50% to be paid on completion or in 60 days from the project start date, in the unlikely event that your website is not completed due to waiting for content being supplied.
  4. All payments to Taxol Tech for any project or service are non refundable.
  5. There will be no minimum term for our service but Taxol Tech do require a minimum of 1 month notice of a client’s intention to cancel a service. Failure to provide a month’s notice will result in the next month’s invoice becoming due.

Website Design Service

Website Design and Development

  1. Design is subjective, and for this reason, we offer ‘unlimited design revisions’. This means that we will continue to work with you on your design concept until you are happy with our proposal. The unlimited design revision period ends when the client accepts the design proposal. Design changes beyond this point are subject to additional charges.
  2. Design and layout changes to the internal pages of the website are subject to restrictions within depending on what platform we use. These include WordPress, Squarespace, Wix and Shopify developments.
  3. Taxol Tech will provide the client with an expected completion time frame for the project (live on the internet) if requested. In order to provide a completion date a final list of changes are required from the client.
  4. Open Source software (OSS) is publicly available software that may be adapted or modified to suit particular applications. OSS may be used to help develop elements of the functionality of the client’s website to speed development and add functionality. Where Open Source software is used, the ownership of the site coding and any customisations made by the developer is still passed to the client upon final payment.
  5. Taxol Tech do not take any responsibility for a client’s website rank on search engines. This also includes any potential website downtime that can occur. When updating, changing, creating and hosting a client’s website, there could be a change in the websites search engine ranking.
  6. The client also agrees that Taxol Tech holds no responsibility for any amendments made by any third party before or after a design is published.
  7. Any indication given by Taxol Tech of a project’s duration is to be considered by the client to be an estimate. Taxol Tech cannot be held responsible for any project over-runs, whatever the cause. Estimated project duration should be deemed to be from the date that cleared funds are received by Taxol Tech for the initial payment or by date confirmed in writing by Taxol Tech.
  8. The client will then be invoiced for all work completed over and above the non-refundable deposit that will have been made at the time of first ordering. The balance of monies due must be paid within 30 days. If we do not receive any communication or feedback from you for over 3 weeks, we will take the remaining payment automatically. Please note: any cancellation which is not formally confirmed in writing and received by Taxol Tech within 7 days of such instruction being issued, will be liable for the full quoted cost of the project.
  9. Taxol Tech do not take any responsibilty of a webiste if our access has been removed from the website

Bemanaged Support

  1. Your website will come with one year of our Bemanaged Support service if you choose to use this and your website is on our hosting. Please see terms for Bemanaged Support below titled ‘Bemanaged Support Terms’

Domain Names and Links

  1. If required, a domain name will be registered by Taxol Tech on behalf of the client once we have received payment in full. These are limited to .co.uk and .com, any additional domain names can be purchased for an additional charge. Although the domain names are registered to us, the client is the legal owner of the domain and if they request to have details changed or the domain transferred elsewhere, we will do this within a reasonable timeframe.
  2. Domain names require yearly renewal and there is an associated fee for this. Each client who hosts their website with Taxol Tech receives 1 free domain name renewal every 12 months as part of their hosting providing they pay their hosting renewal fee. This is limited to .co.uk and .com domains, any other Top Level Domains will carry separate charges.
  3. Any domain name renewal is the responsibility of the client. Taxol Tech will attempt to contact the client by email up to 2 weeks in advance of a domain renewal being due. If the client doesn’t pay to renew their domain name, the domain name shall not be renewed. We advise that you contact us 50 weeks after you purchase or renew a domain if you wish to renew it for another year.
  4. Taxol Tech provides links or references to our client’s websites solely for the convenience of prospective customers and intends that the links it provides be current and accurate, but does not guarantee or warrant that such links will point to the intended client site at all times.
  5. We place a small text link on the footer of our client’s website that simply states the website was designed by Taxol Tech and links to our company website. This link can be removed, if required.

Website Text Copy (Content) & Products

  1. The client will be offered to utilise the Taxol Tech ContentWriter package at an additional charge to the website. If the client doesn’t require this package, Taxol Tech will require the client to send all content that is to be added to the website in a Microsoft Word doc file. This excludes products on an ecommerce site as these are to be added by the client once the site is complete. The website content must be received no later than 4 weeks after the design has been approved and signed off. If the client does not send content within this time period, Taxol Tech reserve the right to collect the full payment, however we will update the content once you do provide it.
  2. If your website is an ecommerce store you will need to upload the products yourself using the provided CMS. If you would like us to upload the products on your behalf, we are able to do this for a fee.
  3. Content & Products are not a reason for the website to be delayed by the client. If we do not receive your products or text in a timely manner we will move on to the next phase of the project and a payment may become due. You are able to upload content and products at any stage using the CMS or by purchasing these from Taxol Tech.

Logo Creation

  1. Taxol Tech will create you a logo if you do not already have one. The logo will include your company name and strap line if you have one. We are able to change the font used and the colours used. We will also incorporate royalty free template clip art if you would like. We will carry out a maximum of 1 hours work on the logo including changes. If you would like more than this for your logo, we will recommend our bespoke logo option at an additional cost.


  1. While a website is hosted with Taxol Tech, we shall be available between the hours of 9.30am and 6.00pm Monday – Friday. This excludes all bank holidays. Within a reasonable time period we will look to fix any issues with the website which are not due to a customer’s doing.
  2. Taxol Tech email accounts are available on any device that supports email. These include the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy as well as many others. Taxol Tech will provide instructions on how to setup email on these devices via email or phone.

Content Writer Service

Content Creation

  1. Copy writing is subjective, and for this reason we offer ‘unlimited text content revisions’. This means that we will continue to work with you on your content until you are happy with our proposal. The unlimited content revision period ends when the client accepts the text content proposal. Text content changes beyond this point are subject to additional charges.
  2. Taxol Tech will provide the client with an expected completion time frame for the creation of the text content if requested.
  3. Text content is provided as a ‘per page’ service. The number of pages of text content we provide shall be based on the amount agreed as per your invoice.

Privacy Policy, General Website Terms & other legal documents

  1. If you choose to use Taxol Tech to upload your privacy policy, general website terms or any other terms we would always recommend having these independently checked by a professional legal representative. Our terms cater for most websites and are considered general usage terms.
  2. The privacy policy, general website terms or any other terms that we offer clients will be produced by a third party.

Search Engine Optimisation

  1. Taxol Tech shall create text content with search engine optimisation in mind. This does not mean that the text content has been created specifically to increase a websites ranking on search engines.
  2. If a website does not ‘perform’ to a client’s expectations, Taxol Tech cannot be held liable in any way for this due to the ContentWriter service offered.

SEO Service

  1. If you choose to pay for SEO monthly we will require you to sign up for automated billing. This can be in the form of a direct debit mandate or a card registered with our systems for recurring monthly payments. Taxol Tech require a minimum of 30 days notice of a client’s intention to cancel a campaign.
  2. If you choose to pay for SEO upfront, Taxol Tech carry out any work you have paid for and then you will be billed monthly until you provide written cancellation notice. Taxol Tech require a minimum of 30 days notice of a client’s intention to cancel a campaign.
  3. If the client has opted for the monthly payment option and chosen the ‘Local or National SEO Package’ there is a minimum term of 3 months whereby you can not cancel until after the 3rd month. If you do cancel we will request payment for any remaining months.
  4. Taxol Tech require a minimum of 30 days notice of a client’s intention to cancel a campaign.
  5. If Taxol Tech do not receive payment we will stop working on your site optimisation until payment is received. This may negatively affect your site’s performance on the search engines and the invoiced value will still be due.
  6. Taxol Tech may need to edit your site in order to carry out on page site optimisation work.
  7. If the client makes changes to the website independently, it is the clients responsibility to ensure Taxol Tech are informed of the changes. Failure to do so could result in a negative campaign performance.
  8. Links used on a client’s behalf as part of an ongoing search engine optimisation may or may not continue to work during the term of the SEO contact or on termination. Taxol Tech will attempt to increase the rank of your website on the search Engines. There is however no guarantee that we can do this. Your monthly payment covers the time used to plan and execute the clients SEO campaign. Taxol Tech cannot be held responsible for Search engine algorithm changes that could negatively affect the ranking of the client’s website.
  9. The strategies and campaign objectives created by Taxol Tech are done so on a per client basis, Taxol Tech cannot be held responsible for any negatively implied impacts of the work completed.
  10. Taxol Tech cannot be held financially liable in anyway with regard to your website ranking on the search engines.
  11. Taxol Tech will share monthly back link reports that may be purchase as part of your SEO campaign as well as access details too.
  12. The Taxol Tech SEO service is completely separate to any other Taxol Tech service and terms.

PPC Service

  1. Payments will be taken monthly for the Taxol Tech management fee starting on the day the client proceeds and every month thereafter. There will be no minimum term but Taxol Tech do require a minimum of 1 month notice of a client’s intention to cancel a campaign. Failure to provide a month’s notice will result in the next month’s invoice becoming due.
  2. The client shall pay the chosen search engines directly for their advertising spend. Taxol Tech will manage this spend. Where a daily budget has been agreed, the client understands that Google may exceed the daily budget on one day and balance up on a different day as per their terms https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2375423?hl=en
  3. Taxol Tech can only operate on websites that are permitted to advertise on Google, further information on their policy can be found here https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/6008942 ?hl=en&rd=1
  4. If Taxol Tech do not receive payment we will stop managing your PPC account until payment is received. This may negatively affect the client’s website performance and could lead to increased advertising spend.
  5. Taxol Tech will attempt to improve your website traffic using optimised PPC. There is however no guarantee with this service. Your monthly payment covers the time used to plan and execute the clients PPC campaign.
  6. Where conversions are measured in terms of end goals on the client site, Taxol Tech are not responsible for conversions levels in the case of changes to the site / products by the client. For instance, an increase in product price may bring the conversion rate down irrespective of any actions taken within the PPC campaign.
  7. Taxol Tech is not associated with Google or Bing